Things are heating up just in time for christmas ladies and gentlemen...
We have now officially cracked the HUD, MENUS, ENEMY CHARACTER AI, and are now closing in on the SCIENCE TEAM AI, WEAPONS, and VEHICLES!!!
Vehicles will include Cars, Trucks, Jeeps, Hummers, Tanks, Transports, Helicopter/s, and Jets.
Weapons will include, Semi & Automatic Weapons, Energy Weapons, and OTHER, TBA ;)
We are now also proud to announce that the End of the Beginning... Movie Script. is now completed. And the 1st Edition EOTB Comic is within a week of going to print!!!
We would also like to announce our official intensions to unveil End of the Beginning... to publishers at the upcomming Game Developers Conference (GDC2010) in San Fransisco, CA, USA, March 9-13, 2010.
By then we will be working with a highly polished Single Player Campaign showcasing at least 2 of the planned 13 single player levels.
We will also be showing off the Multiplayer portion of End of the Beginning... where you will be allowed to choose from one of over 20 good & bad guys from the single campaign.
End of the Beginning... is also proud to announce that it will be giving gamers something entirely new, fresh, and original from current FPS game franchises and boldly going where no game franchise has gone before...
SnakeTakes Team.