End of the Beginning(tm) is the first in a few significant categories... 1. We are the first game in history to work with the worlds top ufologists, giving players a glimpse into the reality of extraterrestrial life here on the planet earth. 2. We're also one of the first game studios to develop our game around next generation (VR) Virtual Reality. 3. the Technology... We are using the latest cutting edge technologies: Unreal 4 Engine, DirectX 12, Windows 10, and more...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Where There Is Smoke...
We have now officially cracked the HUD, MENUS, ENEMY CHARACTER AI, and are now closing in on the SCIENCE TEAM AI, WEAPONS, and VEHICLES!!!
Vehicles will include Cars, Trucks, Jeeps, Hummers, Tanks, Transports, Helicopter/s, and Jets.
Weapons will include, Semi & Automatic Weapons, Energy Weapons, and OTHER, TBA ;)
We are now also proud to announce that the End of the Beginning... Movie Script. is now completed. And the 1st Edition EOTB Comic is within a week of going to print!!!
We would also like to announce our official intensions to unveil End of the Beginning... to publishers at the upcomming Game Developers Conference (GDC2010) in San Fransisco, CA, USA, March 9-13, 2010.
By then we will be working with a highly polished Single Player Campaign showcasing at least 2 of the planned 13 single player levels.
We will also be showing off the Multiplayer portion of End of the Beginning... where you will be allowed to choose from one of over 20 good & bad guys from the single campaign.
End of the Beginning... is also proud to announce that it will be giving gamers something entirely new, fresh, and original from current FPS game franchises and boldly going where no game franchise has gone before...
SnakeTakes Team.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
End of the Beginning... "Hits A Nerve"
Ever since we've put the END OF THE BEGINNING "Alpha Map" of the first level, we've been getting a ton of positive feedback, and thank you all for this.
Recently however, we have been making the word of mouth rounds we have also been getting an increasingly high volume of very negative feedback, mostly from parents / guardians up in arms at how END OF THE BEGINNING... questions the very existence of Jesus among other revelations...
END OF THE BEGINNING... makes the assumption that Jesus did in fact exist, and did in fact have godlike powers, but was not human, and was in fact an Alien sent here by the Grey to weaken us by preaching an end to war.
War... the one human faculty that posed a threat to the Grey and their plans for the human race.
To all people who have a problem with END OF THE BEGINNING... please try to realize that we at SnakeTakes Studios really DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK and moreover we truly appreciate your disgust.
Please continue your quest to silence the truly creative thinkers of the world such as the highly talented staff here at SnakeTakes Studios who have come up with one of the darkest most compelling storylines any of us have ever had the honor of being involved with.
SnakeTakes Team
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
END OF THE BEGINNING... 300 Downloads and counting...
Thanks to all who have downloaded, and everyone who is showing their support.
Visit us on the web at: http://www.eotbgame.com/
SnakeTakes Team.
Monday, July 20, 2009
End of the Beginning... Website Goes Live !!!
Please visit us at: http://www.eotbgame.com/
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
EOTB Blog Goes Live...
My name is James Yake. My brother Jonathan and I have recently formed a brand new videogame development studio here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
We are currently developing a new Sci-Fi / Thriller, First Person Shooter (FPS) called "End of the Beginning..." for the X360 / PS3 / PC and eventually handhelds like iTouch / iPhone / Blackberry.
Download Link: http://www.fileplanet.com/200361/200000/fileinfo/Deathmatch:-Evil-Empire
We are also just finishing the first draft of our movie also titled; "End of the Beginning..." clocking in at 137 pages, fully cast. The movie is what has inspired the videogames development.
We are now a team of 15 and growing. We are looking for the following;
We need these now in order to both bring our company to a level we can directly compete with other major developers, and also artists to help us with our projects and join our growing team of individuals all working towards one thing, starting, owning, and operating a next generation videogame development studio in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
This is a great opportunity to get in at the ground level with an up and coming development firm, SnakeTakes Studios.
If this opportunity interests you, please contact me.
NOTE: Our websites will be up shortly, we have a huge development as their are 3 Major sites tied to SnakeTakes.com ;) we'll keep you posted.
James R. Yake
CEO / Co-Founder / SnakeTakes Studios
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.